Just in time for Halloween – “Witch” by Simple Design is booreffic!


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  All the pumpkins, ghouls, goblins, witches and all.  It’ spooky and a lot of fun – not to mention the candy!  So when Simple Design asked me to look at this theme I was like, absolutely.  This theme is scurry good!  From custom battery and signal meters to a ghoulish looking dock, ocd slot, and detailed Halloween touches through out, this is the Halloween theme to have for the season.  Keep reading and take a tour with me through Witch at Halloween Night…


Default Home Screen



Amazing graphics and visuals await you when  you load up the theme.  The pumpkins across the top right is your battery signal, and the bats in the orange moon above the witch is your signal meter.  Creative and ghoulishly good.   The notifications are on the bottom banner.  Theme and system font (which can not be changed) is classic Halloween style.  And the wall paper?  Perfect choice.  You don’t even have to change it.  But go ahead…get your favorite dark, scary and halloweenish background and show it off.  You know you want to.




Alright.  LOVE the hidden dock.  Placed on a spider web it is so creative, and the focus icon wishes you a happy Halloween each time you select an app.  See that little spider on the web on the top right corner below the pumpkin meter?  Click on him and the dock will slide down. Click him again and the dock vanishes. Poof gone.  The ocd slot is right below the signal meter on the left.  This can’t be hidden, and to me that’s ok.  99% of the time I place my weather there so for me it works.


Application Screen


I mentioned details right?  Halloween touches throughout the theme welcome you as you move around.  The new message notifier is yes, a pumpkin.  The same Happy Halloween focus icon.  Spooky wall paper for the app screen background.  And the menu pop ups? Custom background.   Now how much more in theme can you get with a theme?  The graphics are awesome, and even with all this, it runs smooth.    Even the call screens have custom Halloween backgrounds.


With user selected wall paper


Witch is a stunning Halloween inspired theme.  Get this one for this year, and the next and the next.  It has all the features you need and want in a theme, is easy to use, and looks boostacular!    I’m impressed.  Very nicely done by Simple Design who is truly making a name for himself as a bonafide BB theme developer.  I would look at his themes a lot more closely, if I were you.  And they are all priced low…Get Witch..at Halloween Night at the BBE Store for only $2.99, available for Bold, Curve and Tour on OS5 and OS6.  Time for a little spooky in your life…Witch will give it to you!