As John Chen is now officially the CEO of BlackBerry he is out there at the CES show in Vegas doing several interviews, going into more detail in regards to his vision and future plans of the company.
Chen continues to be optimistic when talking about BlackBerry’s future and looks to turn profit by early 2016. While the next smartphone’s hardware won’t be be built by BlackBerry, CEO of BlackBerry is determined that the company have a role to play in the data and communication platforms that mobile devices will use in the future (software and services).
John Chen says profit is ‘going to take a while’ but ‘We will no longer have any significant inventory issues moving forward’ speaking about the deal with Foxconn handling the hardware inventory.
Another key point Chen said was “For the next 18 months development will only focus on enterprise.” There’s your answer if you are thinking about what BlackBerry will be working on development wise.
Source: CTVNews