BlackBerry CEO John Chen reassures consumers that BlackBerry will not turn their back on them in an interview with Fast Company as they plan on focusing on their core enterprise strengths. This talk about BlackBerry ditching the consumer market has begun since early of 2012 and just does not seem to go away. John Chen clearly states they are far from ever ditching the consumer market.
Check out quotes from the interview below:
“[This] doesn’t mean we are turning our back on the consumer–far from it–but it’s important we narrow our focus on our core strengths. I believe in the values of this brand and I’ve assembled the right team and strategy with the strong confidence that we will rebuild BlackBerry for the benefit of all of our constituencies.”
BlackBerry will continue in the consumer business with the BlackBerry Jakarta set to make its debut at the end of the month in the Mobile World Congress, but as we mentioned before they will focus a bit more on software and enterprise services as it is their strength from a business standpoint. Check out the full interview with John Chen here.