Is Nic Nac Noe for the BlackBerry PlayBook false advertising?

Back in June, I wrote a review for Nic Nac Noe for the BlackBerry PlayBook (click here to read review). Though I thought the game was a good twist to the classic, Tic Tac Toe, it never made the “Top Purchased” list in BlackBerry App World. However, that doesn’t mean it didn’t sell well. Now, the application is under the “Recently Updated” tab in BlackBerry App World and in the “Featured” list. This may not seem out of the ordinary but here is where things get interesting.

Starting with the “Recently Updated” tab, my application has yet to update. I purchased the app a few months ago so when I saw it was updated and my app didn’t update, I decided to erase it and reinstall it. When I did, nothing change. This made me wonder what exactly was updated. Was only the description updated? Then things got more interesting. I started reading the reviews and customers were complaining that the app, which now supposedly featured BBM connectivity. Problem is, it doesn’t have BBM connectivity. Under the features list, in the app’s description, it reads “Now with the option of playing with your buddy in your BBM contact list”. It almost doesn’t make sense, especially because the PlayBook doesn’t have a stand alone BBM client. I didn’t rule it out though considering that you can bridge the PlayBook to your BlackBerry, so who knows.

Lastly, what has lead me to believe that Vimukti Technologies Pvt Ltd (developers of “Nic Nac Noe” and other apps) might be false advertising, is because all the negative reviews that they had received on BlackBerry App World, are gone. I’ve contacted Vimukti Technologies and I’m waiting for a reply for clarification on this issue. If you were planning on buying this app because your wanted to play a twist to Tic Tac Toe and/or play against a challenging AI (artificial intelligence), then go for it. But if you were looking for BBM connectivity, I’d wait to see what happens.

UPDATE: My apologies. Although I never received a response from Vimukti, I realized that the app is ‘BBM Connected’ but on your BlackBerry smartphone. It appears that the same icon is displayed on both BlackBerry storefronts, PlayBook & smartphone. Again, sorry for the misleading information. -Ippy G.