Introducing AppVerse Lists on BlackBerry Empire‏

Earlier this year BBE worked its way up to securing an official MobiHand-Powered BlackBerry Empire All-in-One SuperStore. Within the BlackBerry Empire All-in-One SuperStore users have access to the leading provider of mobile content and applications with the stores massive catalog of  mobile apps, games, thousands of themes and features like the Deal of the Day, special offers, free trials, and a lot more. We’re pleased to announce that BlackBerry Empire is now a part of the AppVerse Lists within the Mobi Store Community.

AppVerse is a simple social network which gives you complete control of finding apps that meet your requirement. Within AppVerse, you can follow lists and get notified when apps are updated, find recommendations from users you choose to follow, view their ratings, reviews, and you’ll be able to preview their comments. You can also link your AppVerse account to Facebook or Twitter, extending social sharing. Best of all, you’ll be able to earn discounts and free apps.

Now live within BlackBerry Empire
Join AppVerse on BlackBerry Empire Today and start discovering apps you want through AppVerse lists!

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