Inside the BlackBerry Community– User Spotlight w/Special Photo Tips

The folks over at the BlackBerry Insider Blog have taken quick notice of photography by @BB_photog. In August @BB_photog (aka Brian Lee), shared more than a dozen photos he’d taken with his BlackBerry® Curve™ 8900 smartphone. After sending over a dozen glorious photo-taken bb pics, BlackBerry Insider was able to catch up with Brian over email last week to learn more about the man behind the camera. Brian’s first foray into BlackBerry smartphone photography was with a BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8100 smartphone.

“One of the many reasons why I started taking photos with this particular BlackBerry smartphone model was its ability to capture ‘film grain’ or image-noise similarly presented in traditional film. Photos from my BlackBerry Pearl 8100 smartphone were reminiscent of the classic Polaroid instant camera feel. Just as I did with my old film cameras, I could not stop taking photos with my BlackBerry Pearl

Then in 2009, Brian traded in his BlackBerry Pearl smartphone for the BlackBerry Curve 8900 smartphone.

“This model enabled me to take more interesting photos due to its auto-focus lens. I especially liked the BlackBerry OS version on this model because it had some advanced camera features such as Black & White, Close-Up Mode, and White Balance.”

After looking at some of the photos taken, I’m not surprised some have came out the way they did. Numerous times the 3.2 autofocus camera has creeped me out, in a good way. I’m no expert photographer but over the past year, some of the photos I’ve taken with my Bold 9700 have been superb. Like snapping a picture of the Mexican flag of our neighboring country from my Texas border-town or last May, when I attended several graduation ceremonies.

I always thought the 3.2 autofocus had great potential, but something was lacking. Well Mr. lee might have just provided a solution to my worries. He has given a few special photo-taking tips for us over at the end of the Interview. From low-light, focusing, close-up mode to other general tips, he lets us know what has worked best for him over the years.

Head here to catch the entire interview from Inside BlackBerry