On Friday night, N4BB.com made an interesting point in regards to Skype coming to BlackBerry. In short, if you try to download Skype on a BlackBerry device, it will ask if your due for an upgrade and while your at it, why now have an iPhone or Android device? (Full article here)
Being a follower of politics, if there’s one thing I’ve learned is that comments can easily be misinterpreted. In this case, it’s hard to know with certainty what Skype really means. At this point, it’s possible that Skype may be coming to the PlayBook. However, if it isn’t, the great thing about living in the 21st century is options.
Tango is an application very much like Skype. Only difference at the moment is that it doesn’t have a desktop version. Tango currently runs on Androids, iPhones, iPods, and iPads. The good thing about the app is that you can make voice and video calls over 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi. Furthermore, you can make calls to any other device with the app.
A few weeks ago, many BlackBerry PlayBook users started reaching out to companies such as Netflix, Amazon Kindle, Dropbox, etc., to have them create an app for the PlayBook via phone and emails. I decided to take a different approach and use technology. Everyone knows that numbers speaks louder than words. Therefore, I started a twitition (Twitter’s version of a petition) to get the Tango app on the BlackBerry PlayBook. If you interested in being part of this movement, click here. Once your on the page, you can sign the twitition with a simple click. The catch is that you need to have a Twitter account because you sign with your Twitter name.
If all goes well, it would be more than just getting the Tango app on the BlackBerry PlayBook. This would be the first step of many. It would be a revolutionary way for us all to have an impact and make things happen.
Twitition: Tango on the BlackBerry PlayBook
Application website: Tange.me
Skype Article