Tomorrow we will be taking my son’s favorite cat to a farm, where she will live out the rest of her days. She can’t be an indoor cat, but she always lays with him at night so he’s grown quite attached. I also recently picked up a used Bold 9000 to replace his 8820, and the housing on the Bold has several areas that have worn through normal use. In an effort to not only just spruce up the Bold, but cheer up the kid, I’ve decided to let him pick some colors for his Bold 9000 at ColorWare’s site.
ColorWare has a variety of devices (and colors) to choose from. We could do a color scheme for his favorite football team, the color scheme for the football team he plays on at school, or use their “Brainstorm” feature to come up with a random set of colors (which isn’t always the best combination).
So, if you were to do up a BlackBerry Bold 9000 with ColorWare, what would you do? How would you do your BlackBerry phone?