Today we are going to show you how to use and access the Word Substitution or the “word replace” feature on your BlackBerry Z10 & BlackBerry Q10 devices using the BlackBerry 10 OS. I have always used this on my pre BlackBerry 10 OS devices, was easy to find and easy to use, as it is still easy to use it is a bit tricky to access it initially .
I thought BlackBerry “forgot” or removed this feature on BlackBerry 10 OS since I couldn’t find it at first, discussing it with John he let me know it did indeed exist it was just extensive to find. So let’s begin by showing you how to find and access it:Tap on the Settings icon, after you are in System Settings select Language and Input:
After selecting Language and Input, scroll down and select Automated Assistance:
Now upon entering Automated Assistance, the first option you will see is Word Substitution, tap into that.
Now that we figured out how to access the Word Substitution feature on BlackBerry 10 OS time to put it to use.
As you can see from the image above next to Word Substitutions option there is an On/Off toggle button. Make sure it is is toggled on as shown above.
An example I already added was bbe -> Meaning anytime I type bbe it will automatically turn into keeps me from having to type all that.
See the example below on how to add new words. Back to above image, there is a + Add Shortcut tap on that, you should get a “Shortcut” option that lets you input two fields:
Those two fields are: Original Word (top field) & New Word or Phrase (bottom field). Another example:
“u” is a common letter people use to mean “you”. If you set that option, now every time you hit you on your keyboard followed by a space it will automatically turn into you.
There you have it. How To Use & Access Word Substitution On BlackBerry 10. If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment below.