Your PC must have JRE installed. You must install the appropriate version of Java JRE:
Download JRE for Windows 32 Here
Download JRE for Windows 64 Here
Download Installer here and follow instruction below:
You still need to turn on development mode and obtain PlayBook’s IP Address by using microUSB cable or connect PlayBook to the same WiFi network as your PC.
When using cable to connect PlayBook to PC, you can press the Refresh Button to let the program detecting the IP Address of PlayBook from this cable-connection.
Choosing bar file from your PC:

When you click Install Button, just wait for few seconds till the “Done Message” pops up.
Or you can check the “Run after finish” and the application should start automatically after being installed.
If not, please check all the required information and try again.
All files you would need are here.
Update version
Changes log:
- Add/Delete bar files on the list
- Multi-Selection bar files from PC
- Auto-Detect JRE installed on PC
- Auto detect Cable-IP-Address by using Refresh button.(Not yet for WiFi IP Address, you still need to type in manually)
Thanks Louis for instructions