Changing the wallpaper on BlackBerry 10 is a great way to add to the customization and feel of the BlackBerry 10 device. Whether you want a picture of a puppy, your favorite death metal band, or your kids while you use the device, it’s really quite simple to change the background.
There are two ways to change the wallpaper, and both are very simple. taking you only about 2 minutes.
Through the Picture Folder
Find the picture folder on your BlackBerry 10 device and open the folder, and go through the albums. Scan through the pictures and then click on the one that you wish to use for your new wallpaper.
Tap on the picture and the options shown above should appear. you then want to click on “Set As”.
The above noted screen will then pop up giving you the option of attaching the image to a contact, or set it as your new wallpaper. Click on wallpaper, and the image you chose will become your new background.
Through Settings
Access settings either through pulling down from the top, or through the actual settings icon on the BlackBerry 10 screen.
Reaching the System Settings screen, you will then tap on Display.
At the very top of this screen, Wallpaper is listed alone, tap select.
Doing so will display the native wallpapers from the internal hard drive on the BlackBerry 10 that BlackBerry has provided. To use your own image, click on “Up” which will bring up either the SD card or the internal folders where you have put your own images. As with all BlackBerry devices, it is not possible to delete all the provided “native” wallpapers, as these are still locked by BlackBerry and the only access is to use them as wallpaper.
The other folders on your BlackBerry will be displayed and you will now want to tap the button above which will provide the peek screen listed below.
Choose where the image you wish to use is stored, and tap on the destination folder.
This will then allow you to view the files stored on your SD card. Goto the folder where your stored images are, and select the image you wish to use for the wallpaper.
The steps are now the same as when adding directly from the picture folder, tap on Display, and then on the next screen beside Wallpaper tap select, and your background image will be changed.