Second Holiday Giveaway Winner Announced!

Participants who entered into our everything4blackberry holiday giveaway, be prepared, the Liaison is about to unfold the winner. This year is our first X-mas and we have been quite festive. Up for grabs is an external battery charger + a new battery for those rocking a BlackBerry with the +DX1 battery. This is our second giveaway, but certainly isn’t our last. We have gone through the entire twitter directory and counted all those who Retweeted us with #ilikeswag. Enough of me, let’s hand it off to Donta so we can get to a winner already.  More button to view the winner

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Congrats to Twitter user @AmandaMarie01. You are the winner to Holiday giveaway #2. Keep on the lookout for a mention from us, asking you to follow us so we can get your shipping info. I’ll say it again, now you can enjoy your holidays knowing your bb will always have juice 24/7. Congrats @AmandaMarie01 and a big thanks to everyone who participated. Keep checking back at BlackBerry Empire for the best BB coverage and more. Happy holidays! Deuces.