If you’re unfamiliar with HOP – Hold On Playa, then you need to be hit with a #HOP. The acronym is dubbed by former NFL standout Prime-time Deion Sanders. Continue reading to learn what HOP is all about and download the BlackBerry App for free.
Football Legend and Hall of Famer Deion Sanders has hit Twitter by storm with Hold On Playa aka #HOP, a comedic phenomena that has taken a life of its own. Now you can enjoy the hilarious Hold On Playa on your device like never before. In real time, you can see all the latest HOPs posted by all Twitter users. From there you can see Deion’s favorite HOPs that will have you roflol-ing. When you come up with your own HOPs, you can send them to Deion right from the app. It gets even better. If your friends or someone deserves an HOP, you can hit them up with Deion Sanders’s famous Hold On Playa voice.
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