OK, so you know I’m theme-crazy! And I’ve been highlighting some of the best themes I have found for my berry. Now it’s YOUR turn! Tell us here at BBE what you would like to see in a theme for your phone that represents The BlackBerry Empire. We will contact a theme designer (or two) and find someone who is willing to create a theme for us…JUST THE WAY YOU LIKE!!!
Of course, the theme will have to be compatible with both OS5 and OS6. Consider some of the options we could have in a theme:
- permanent dock or hidden dock
- colored or transparent dock
- OS6 icons for both themes
- dock on the top or bottom of the home screen
- placement of the clock
- placement of the date (sometimes date/time are taken together)
- color scheme
- wallpaper design for home screen, app screen, lock screen
- transitions or no
I will contact a theme developer after we pull some ideas together for the theme. In fact, if you have a suggestion as to the themer you’d like to use; include that information, too!
We might also need someone who can create wallpaper for us using our logo…or design something special JUST for the theme. If you know any creative art types; fess up!!!
We all want to rocking a classy BBE theme on our Berries! Professional-looking? Glitzy? Off-beat?
YOU DECIDE!!! We want YOUR ideas so SOUND OFF in the comments!