UPDATE: Here’s a Workaround If You’re Having Issues Opening BlackBerry World


Are you one of the many folks having issues with BlackBerry World the last day or two? Well here is a workaround to get it up and running again. I was having the issues as well since last night and a BBM contact told me about this and it works perfect now.

All you have to do is open your music icon, then on the bottom right hit the overflow tab (the 3 dot one). From there you will see a tab that says BlackBerry World, tap that and BlackBerry World will open into their music section. Next just hit the tab on the far left (the 3 lined one) and tap the “All” tab up top. You are now back into BlackBerry World. Once you complete the workaround you should now be able to go back into BlackBerry World by just tapping the icon as normal.

Hopefully BlackBerry gets the issues resolved soon but at least there’s a workaround for now. Hit up the comments below if you are one of the folks having issues and how this workaround does for you.

UPDATE: @BlackBerry just tweeted the following on their Twitter feed.