Happy Easter theme by MG-Design is Egg-cellent!

Happy Easter is a beautiful and colorful theme for OS6 BlackBerry phones from Matt Ginsberg at MG-Design. Matt is a super creative talent, and he has created themes for my 8330 before. This Easter theme is just adorable! The icons will blow you away!

Happy Easter home screen

Are those icons NOT the cutest you have ever seen? I have my BerryWeather on the left, but then we have BBM (with the chocolate eggs), SMS Texts (striped egg), Contacts (white bunny), Email messages (standing bnny) and Media folder (bunny with sign). They are just very creative icons that add a sparkle to your theme. The apps screen wallpaper is jut as creative. You can tell Matt spent a lot of time finding and crafting these details!

Here is the App screen of Happy Easter theme

The menus and other aspects of the theme are default OS 6. But gosh…for the Easter season, who can resist the cute icons of bunnies and eggs? For only $.99 you can’t afford to miss the smiles it will bring to you as you use your BlackBerry. It looks great with any wallpaper.

User selected wallpaper with the Happy Easter theme

I think all the gals should hop on over to BlackBerry App World and grab a copy of Happy Easter theme by MG-Design. For only $.99 you can’t afford to miss it!

User selected wallpaper