I had a nice sit-down with Marco Miranda, developer of Pootermobile Wallpapers by The World Of Pootermobile here at BlackBerry Live 2013. Pootermobile is no stranger to the BlackBerry platform as Marco once developed and designed great themes for legacy devices and now develops applications for BlackBerry 10. His app Pootermobile Wallpapers allows you to scroll through a catalog of over 100 custom wallpapers by TWP and apply them to your device in seconds.
What makes this app so great is each and every wallpaper is exclusively designed to fit your phone’s screen giving your new BlackBerry 10 device a fresh look.
- Unique wallpapers
- Automatically updates with new wallpapers (no need to update app)
- Swipe down gesture to invite friends to download app through BBM
- Awesomeness at your fingertips
Currently, Pootermobile Wallpapers is available for the Z10 but an update for Q10 support is right around the corner. This is a must have for wallpaper junkies and at a great price of $0.99 you certainly get that bang for your buck. If you do not own a Z10 you can still have access to wallpapers over at the TWP website. Thanks Marco for sitting down with us and keep on the lookout for a BBE wallpaper added to Pootermobile Wallpapers soon!