My latest theme to show off is GreenLuck, a Droid style theme for BlackBerry phones by Tech Revive Designs. Josh at Tech Revive Designs has another hit on his hands; you DO remember NewGlass, do you not? This is a theme that’s quite a bit different from NewGlass and is done in the Droid style icons and colors throughout.
My home screen is filled with shortcuts! To see what all of them are and to view more screen shots, click here
On the home screen of GreenLuck, you have three permanent buttons at the bottom. The left one is for the text menu of the first 10 icons on your apps screen. You may use this menu as a shortcut to get to your top apps. When you click the arrow icon, the bottom dock recedes smoothly and the text menu listing slides in from the left. The middle button fades you right to the Apps screen itself. The plus sign icon on the lower right zooms in a 6 icon dock, complete with green Droid style icons. Here are some shots of those.
Wow! That’s a lot of functionality and zooming without even looking at the top of the screen. The top notification bar drops down a Hidden Today that shows Messages, Text Messages, BBM and Calendar entries as well. Talk about having all at your fingertips! The icons appear on that screen as well.
You can also manage your connections and profiles from the home screen, as well. That’s a lot of action on one home screen! I especially like the ability to get to my icons in several ways from the home screen. There are at least three ways to access your most used icons and when you want something fast, that’s the way to do it. Click on any of the three icons on the permanent bottom dock and you will be there, more than likely.
The menus allow for user-selected fonts, which is a plus. I don’t like being locked into a font unless it’s one I can read well with my tired eyes. The highlight color for menus is the bright Droid green with the gradient fade to black. Very sharp against the black menus. The calling screens are the default ones with the bright green focus icons. Again, makes it very easy to se what you are doing.
Need a boost for Spring? It’s here. Spring AND GreenLuck by Tech Revive Designs. Oh and does it pass the girly test? Let’s see.
Well yes, it does! So ladies, don’t fear the Droid! Even if you are not a fan of Droid style icons, you have to admit that the functionality and transitions of GreenLuck make this one you can’t pass up.
Thanks to Josh of Tech Revive Designs for hooking me up.
Snatch your copy of GreenLuck just in time for Spring at Mobihand for only$3.99
For OS 6 Bold 9780, 9700, 9650
Curve 3G OS6 9330, 9300
Curve Series OS5