Grab a Free Must Have BBE RSS App by TrustBe! BBM Connected, Download Now for Free!

Now available is this must have BBE RSS reader app for BlackBerry smartphones. The guys over at TrustBe have taken BlackBerry Empire to the next level and have developed the best RSS Reader app for your device. Continue reading for details.

BBE RSS Reader comes BBM Connected so once you fire up the app make sure and Connect the app to BBM so that you can get the most out of all the great content at BlackBerry Empire.

BBE RSS Reader allows you to share articles through BBM to your BBM Contacts. You can now always be the first and show off to your friends that you have all of the latest BlackBerry news first!

Once you share an article to one of your BBM Contacts they will now be able to view and discuss the artlicle with you right through BBM using your BlackBerry smartphone loaded with BBM 6!

Towards the bottom of every article you can leave a comment, email article, share on Facebook and more!

Download BBE RSS Reader here for FREE

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