User Cobalt (Cobalt232) has done it once again. This time, Google Play Store allows to download, purchase apps, games and everything else including OBB files and apps that are bigger than 50mb, including refunding.
Below are MEGA links, it’s easier if you have the MEGA app installed on your device which you can then allow the browser to download the links using the app.
Download Google Account Manager 4.3.2 [Released on March 18, 2015]
Download Blackberry Google ID 2.1.1 [Released on June 2, 2015]
Download Google Play Store 5.7.6 [Released on July 8, 2015]
Alternatively, BitCasa links (old versions):
Google Play Store 5.1.11
Google Login 4.3
BlackBerry Google ID 1.2
Step 1
- Install Google Login
- Install Blackberry Google ID
- Install Google Play Store
Step 2
- Run Google Play Store. Login app will be invoked and you will be asked enter your Gmail account and password
- Close the login app and close Play Store
- Run Blackberry Google ID and checkin with your Gmail account and password (WiFi must be on)
After that, you can run Google Play Store again, browse your app and press the install button to download. If it is a paid app, you can directly buy and then download it. You can even get a refund if you don’t like the app (this only works if the app developer offers a refund).
Crackberry community member Agentjucey1 made a great video that explains the installation process, including how to set up a Google two factor authentification password for the Blackberry Google ID app. Thanks buddy for your contribution!
Google Play Store 5.1.11 Build 5
This version saves a copy of the downloaded apk file in the download folder. The downloaded files are never cleaned out from there, so keep an eye on your free space and remove unneeded apk’s from time to time. The download links in the first post have been updated.
- Updated downloader code, now saves apk files in downloads folder for backup
- Updated installer code (canceling a installation is done immediately)
I really wasn’t sure about how I should implement the apk saving feature into Play Store. Snap doesn’t support the saving of purchased apps and I understand the reasons why James did’t implement it. But there are so many free Backup apps around, even on Google Play, that allow to back up purchased apps so that it really shouldn’t matter if the store does it directly. Therefore this version of Play Store saves free and purchased apps to the download folder. Please use this feature responsibly.
Old method below (includes Google Play Services, however)
Thanks to user Cobalt on CB, we now have the privilege of almost all Google dependent Android Apps on BlackBerry 10. Read the entire thing carefully. I’ll ignore silly questions from users that clearly haven’t read the post fully.
Edit: MEGA Link for all Apps
The Google Login APK provides a basic support for Android apps that require a Google login. It is required for some apps such as Google Maps, Google Play store or Chrome browser. Google+ accounts are currently not supported. Install the Google Login APK and then go to Blackberry settings -> Accounts -> Add new account. You should see a new option called Google Account. Login from there.
Mirror Link
The Google Play services APK contains several individual Google services and runs as a background service in the Android OS runtime. The most important part for Blackberry users is the integrated maps provider, which is used in several Android apps to display map content. Some apps also require Google Play services to access advertising or crash analytics features. Without Google Play services, these apps either crash, spit out a message about Google Play services missing or just display an empty map with no content. Please note: Apps that require Google Play services always require patching. Please read the Patching section for more details.
(Use the MEGA link above to download GPS)
Apps that require Google Play services must be patched in order to run on a Blackberry device. Patching is required because my modified Google Play services is signed with a non-Google signing key and this key doesn’t match to the hardcoded key in the apps. To learn more about how to patch your favorite app you should read the following two threads:
How to patch Android Apps depending on Google Maps and Google Play Services
How to remove Google Play services dependencies with Lucky Patcher
The Google Play store APK provides Access to the Google Play app market, where you can browse or download your favorite (free) Android apps. It also is required by some apps to run correctly, especially if they use any kind of license verification. Google Play store requires Google Login and Google Play services to be installed on your device. If you want to download apps from the store, you’ll additionally need Google Play Store Downloader. When running Google Play store for the first time, the app may crash 1 or 2 times, this is due to some initialization stuff that fails. Just run it again until you see the welcome screen. After that it will be fine.
Download Google Play store 4.8.20
The Google Play store Downloader APK is an additional component that is required to download APK files from Google Play store. It is invoked by either pressing the install button in Google Play store APK or by using the SHARE feature in any other market browser such as App Brain Market or Best Apps Market. You must configure your own GSF-ID (get it from the settings in Snap) and it can only download free apps .
Download Google Play Store Downloader
The Android Settings APK provides a direct access to the hidden Android settings of the Blackberry device. It also allows to edit the Google Account synchronization settings or to turn off app-notifications being sent to Blackberry hub.
Download Android Settings
The Android Browser APK provides a direct access to the original (and hidden) Android browser.
Download Android Browser
Follow this procedure to get synchronized starred places in Google Maps:
- Install Google Login
- Install Google Maps
- Go to Google Maps settings and login from there, do not login directly in Google Account app
- Go to and activate webhistory
- Run Google Maps, press and hold on any spot to save a location
If you don’t like the notifications Google Maps is sending to your hub, you can turn them off like this:
- Run Android Settings, go to apps menu and find Google Maps app
- Click on the icon, turn off notifications
Please note that you cannot login to Google Maps if you have Google Play services ( installed together with Google Login Services. The two interfere with each other. It’s one or the other.
Be sure to download the BlackBerry Empire forum app – Updated Google Play Store files
Google Play Store 5.7.6 build 1
* All previous patches applied
* New: In-app Billing support for patched apps (requires Google+ Whitelist app)