Go Back to School in Style with Sticky; New BlackBerry Theme by Pootermobile

I am probably like a lot of other teachers; I live my school day surrounded by sticky notes plastered to my desk, plan book and computer monitor. A new theme by Pootermobile called “Sticky” reminds me of a scribble theme with its cartoon style icons which look like they are hand-drawn and hide-able dock that slides up onto the home screen.

Sticky default home screen

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The theme gets its name from the yellow sticky note at the top, held by a paper clip. The icons look hand-drawn and are extremely colorful. Can’t tell you how refreshing the icons are compared to the typical OS6 and OS7 icons we see so much. To hide the dock, click the arrow at the bottom of the screen. The dock swings down in a cute transitional way.

Sticky with user wallpaper

The screen shot above uses BeWeather wallpaper option for the weather to be shown on the home screen. This theme does not have an OCD slot. When the dock it hidden, you have a wide open home screen for all your wallpaper. The notifications use a scribble, handwritten font that adds to the theme, making it look like a real sticky note on the face of your BlackBerry.

Sticky with user wallpaper

The apps screen carries through the notebook paper graphics. The theme is a smooth and fast one, and is not just for students. If you like a lighter wallpaper theme, since the home screen text is black, you will like Sticky.

Sticky app screen

Sticky is a fast, smooth and cute school/office theme. Available at our BBE Mobihand store here for $3.99.

Sticky with user wallpaper