RIM is really making things simple and quick when it comes to setting up and signing onto services on PlayBook OS 2.0. The Rovi powered BlackBerry PlayBook Video Store is another great example of how transparent navigating through PlayBook OS 2.0 really is. First off you’ll notice the following tabs on top;Featured, Movies, TV Shows, My Library, Downloads and Wish List.
Before you begin to purchase you need to get setup with an account. Head over to “My Library” to get started. Continue reading for more
Steps 1 and 2 requires you to fill out and create your login/contact info with step 2, the payment method setup. Create a username, provide an email with some contact info. Then, proceed to the next step and enter in your credit card info. Once this is complete you can now purchase and watch your favorite TV shows and movies directly on your PlayBook tablet or better yet, connected to your HD TV via native micro HDMI support.
After browsing through the selection and coming to a decision you have the choice to purchase the movie or rent it for a set price of $3.99. The choice is all yours.
Here we are the the Homescreen with the content ready to be purchased and downloaded. It’s featiures include.
- Search, download and watch more than 10,000 movies and TV shows wherever you go.
- Rent or buy content with supporting credit card payment.
- Watch a movie as it downloads.
That’s basically everything you need to know to get started with the PlayBook Video Store in PlayBook OS 2.0. Thank you RIM for making the process quick and easy and thank you Rovi for the great support provided with the release of OS 2.0. The drawback, is that it is only currently available in the U.S.A with more countries to come later. Enjoy! #HappyTwosday.