We haven’t seen very much of Raypho lately, but that’s because he’s been busy getting his themes on BB App World, and of course they have been a huge success. He’s already been featured and still going strong. There is one theme though that needs to be highlighted and that’s Ultima. This theme is an explosion of color on your phone. With so many themes that offer various color options, this one is different in that it gives you all the color you want without having to choose. The theme has 2 6 icon docks and colorful text on the home screen. Simple, but fun. Ultima offers you the chance to brighten and liven up your BB with ultimate color.
Why even change the wall paper? It’s a beautiful abstract design with lots of color to make your berry stand out. The top banner holds all the information. The clock is big and in a bright blue color. The date in yellow, notifications in green, and battery and network in purple. All the colors people love right there in the banner. Ultima also has plenty of screen real estate for your favorite wall paper. And with all that color, any you choose will look great.
The color doesn’t end there…the 6 icon dock has colored backgrounds…each one different. To access the dock click alt 1 and alt 2 to hide. This dock uses apps 1-6 from the application screen. Now this theme does not have an ocd slot, so I have used the home screen wall paper option from Berry Weather (app sold separately) to show my weather. With all that screen available to you, you can place it anywhere.
The 2nd dock is identical, with the same vibrant color backgrounds behind the icons. These are position 7-12 on application screen. Use alt 3 to show and alt 4 to hide. Ultima makes your home screen vibrant and allows for such clarity of all the information. A neat idea when color is the “in” thing these days.
Or, choose to have both docks open for the ultimate colored home screen! For sure you won’t miss a thing with this theme. Two 6 icon docks plus hot spots for profiles, clock and manage connections allows for access to 15 applications. That’s plenty for even the most picky and detailed orientated user.
The same abstract background used on the home screen is carried to the application screen. The icons here have a bright red background allowing even those with tired eyes to see the icons clearly. The same red is used as highlight color throughout the theme making the color concept present through out.
Ultima is a simple theme, yet functional. It’s appeal is the color that gives some life to your device. Raypho has always made outstanding themes, jam packed with features. To have one that is simple, functional, smooth and sharp, is great to see. The small file size is an added plus. I’ve enjoyed using this theme and having fun with it. I like the color choices and really it does go well with quite a few wall papers. Get your copy of Ultima today here at the BBE Store on sale for $2.99. It’s available for most devices on both OS5 and OS6. Ultima – ultimate color experience for your BB.