With Thanksgiving behind us and a countdown to X-Mas and the New Year come the festivities which can be both good and bad. Good because you get to catch up with your closest friends and family and bad because with good times comes even better food! Whether you’re looking to stay in shape or fulfill the resolution to your fitness, here is a great tool to help you achieve this.
Featured in App World is Get Fit for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Using your tablet, Get Fit will help you get ripped in as little as 25 minutes a day. The App is Twitter friendly, allowing you to share to Twitter and has been updated with new levels of ‘Advanced’ and ‘Extreme’ to help match your growth and progress.
Best of all, Get Fit for PlayBook is on sale for the Holidays for only $0.99.
Click the link below to get it directly or you can read the official Get Fit Review HERE and download it from there.
Get in On Sale Now For A Limited Time Only for $0.99