Get your facts right! – BlackBerry introduces the Fact Check Portal, #BBFactCheck


You mean to say BlackBerry actually has the best security in Mobile? You mean to say I can actually pick up a superior mobile device by BlackBerry in 2014? Well, I’ll be darned! BlackBerry has launched the Fact Check Portal – an initiative started by BlackBerry to set the records straight by competitors that have said one or two things that simply aren’t true. 

BlackBerry, regardless to what the majority say, is still talked about when discussing major mobile platform players. Despite the barrage of rumours, speculation and straight up lies, BlackBerry is still present. BlackBerry is also still making devices, has still got money in the bank, still not in debt and is still improving BlackBerry 10. Oh, and you can still purchase on of these BlackBerry thingies from your local mobile shop! You can’t necessarily blame the consumers for not knowing what BlackBerry has entirely been upto – not everyone follows mobile tech like we do! So who’s to blame here for the misleading news of BlackBerry? The voices of their competitors (and the fanboys of such competitors, might I add)

So, BlackBerry has launched the Fact Check Portal. The portal will be an all in one stop for any facts and figures you wish to know regarding BlackBerry – whether that is mobility management to messaging, devices to security.

Not only that, this portal will need help from all of us too! So, if  you see a “work of fiction” by any BlackBerry competitors, make sure to let BlackBerry know by leaving them a comment on their blog or tweet their official page using the hashtag #BBFactCheck

I love this. BlackBerry should have done this aaaaggeees ago. We’ll definitely be posting each and every fact as BlackBerry dishes them out.

Source: INSIDE BlackBerry