The World of Pootermobile has issued a new theme for the masses called Galax; and it is a theme that is adaptable and functional for a number of purposes. Galax offers one a professional home screen that allows access to multiple icons and wallpaper at the same time.

For more on this theme, click here
At first glance, we see that there is a lot going on with this home screen. In the center of the screen, there are four non-customizable text icons for Messages, Calendar, Text Messages and BBM. While most people use these icons; and that is why these were chosen, I would prefer to be able to set these myself. I personally do not use Calendar at all; would love to have that space for something else. However, these icons are easy to use for quick access to your apps.

The bottom dock of 6 icons ARE user customizable. Since the four on the side cover most people’s choices, you have the chance to place 10 apps on your home screen for quick access. This makes the theme very adaptable. You may never need to go to the app screen again. Also notice the icons used in this theme. If anyone is tired of OS7 icons, raise your hand. Ok, ok, I see you out there. Me, too. These icons are simplistic but aesthetically pleasing.

The top banner is a bit wide. It contains an OCD or weather slot, a large clock, OCD icon text, notification bar, battery meter, signal meters and an icon called Poots. Poots is a BlackBerry with a smiling face. It provides help on other Pootermobile themes and in all the other themes I have seen of Pooter’s, you may hide the icon. But not in this theme. Poots is actually a shortcut to Options and allows you to quickly access them. I feel that some other icon could be used to keep the continuity of the rounded, white icons of the theme going. Just my personal opinion. Maybe in an update, another icon could be used.

The most unique feature about this theme is the framed wallpaper. You choose your wallpaper in the usual way and it is presented in its entirety in the left half of the home screen. Also, you can see your wallpaper covers the entire screen in the background. So there you have it: your wallpaper; 10 application icons, 6 icons, 4 text icons; shortcuts to Options and Manage Connections (the signal meter); and an OCD slot. Whew! That is a lot for one home screen. I think a business or professional person would personally love this theme as it is the epitome of efficiency. Or anyone who hates having to move to the app screen to operate their Berry would love it as well.

If you’d like to turn your BlackBerry into a model of efficiency, pick up Galax from the Mobihand store here for $3.99. You will never leave your home screen to find what you need again. Galax; it’s out of this world.