Full List of BBM Special Characters & Country Flags for BlackBerry, Android, & iPhone

BBM Symbols

BBM symbols or BBM special characters have always been very popular among BlackBerry users, now that iPhone and Android users have come along we decided to share the list we found online for you all, the list also includes BBM Country Flags.

How to use BlackBerry Messenger Special Characters:

  1. copy the special characters below
  2. email them to your BlackBerry, (select & copy)
  3. go to Options – Autotext – menu – NEW
  4. paste the special characters & designate a code (symm)
  5. when you type symm it will auto insert the special characters

 ☂ ☃ ☁ ♡ ☇ ⌣ © ® ¶ ¿ § ø œ Œ Þ ™ ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦ ☎ ♍ ♑ ♉ ♐ ♈ ♒ ♋ ♌ ♎ Σ Λ Γ ☑ ☀ Æ ⇆ ☎ ✆ ✉ ♊ ♏ ♓  Δ Ψ Φ Θ Ξ Ω ♢ ♤ ♧ ♡ Π Σ † τ λ ※ ▲ △ ▼ ▽ № • ‎​☂ ☃ ☁ ♡ ☇ ⌣ © ® ¶ ¿ § ø œ Œ Þ ™ ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦ ☎ ♍ ♑ ♉ ♐ ♈ ♒ ♋ ♌ ♎ Σ Λ Γ ☑ ☀ Æ ⇆ ☎ ✆ ✉ ♊ ♏ ♓  Δ Ψ Φ Θ Ξ Ω ♢ ♤ ♧ ♡ Π Σ † τ λ ※ ▲ △ ▼ ▽ № • ◦

[ ♔ ] White King
[ ♕ ] White Queen
[ ♖ ] White Rook
[ ♗ ] White Bishop
[ ♘ ] White Knight
[ ♙ ] White Pawn
[ ♚ ] Black King
[ ♛ ] Black Queen
[ ♜ ] Black Rook
[ ♝ ] Black Bishop
[ ♞ ] Black Knight
[ ♟ ] Black Pawn
[ ♠ ] black spade suit
[ ♡ ] red heart suit
[ ♢ ] red diamond suit
[ ♣ ] black club suit = shamrock
[ ♤ ] red spade suit
[ ♥ ] black heart suit = valentine
[ ♦ ] black diamond suit
[ ♧ ] red club suit

[ ♩ ] musical quarter note
[ ♪ ] musical eighth note
[ ♫ ] musical single bar note
[ ♬ ] musical double bar note
[ ♭ ] flat note
[ ♮ ] natural note
[ ♯ ] sharp note]

[ ☽ ] waxing crescent moon
[ ☾ ] waning crescent moon
[ ☿ ] Mercury
[ ♀ ] Venus – Female symbol
[ ♁ ] Earth symbol
[ ♂ ] Mars – Male symbol
[ ♃ ] Jupiter
[ ♄ ] Saturn
[ ♅ ] Uranus
[ ♆ ] Neptune
[ ♇ ] Pluto
[ ♈ ] Aries
[ ♉ ] Taurus
[ ♊ ] Gemini
[ ♋ ] Cancer
[ ♌ ] Leo
[ ♍ ] Virgo
[ ♎ ] Libra
[ ♏ ] Scorpio
[ ♐ ] Sagittarius
[ ♑ ] Capricorn
[ ♒ ] Aquarius
[ ♓ ] Pisces

  1. copy the special characters below
  2. email them to your BlackBerry, (select & copy)
  3. go to Options – Autotext – menu – NEW
  4. paste the special characters & designate a code (symm)
  5. when you type symm (push space after)  it will auto insert the special characters

copy the below images ( they show up as just black dots/squares on pc, but when view on BlackBerry you will see them.)

          
 
 

[  ] BlackBerry Logo


[ ♨ ] hot springs
[ ✁ ] cut above
[ ✂ ] cut here
[ ✃ ] cut below
[ ✄ ] scissors]
[ ✆ ] public pay phone
[ ✇ ] film reel – tape spool
[ ✈ ] airport jet airplane
[ ✉ ] envelope mail email
[ ✌ ] victory sign
[ ✍ ] signature – sign here
[ ✎ ] pencil diagonal down
[ ✏ ] pencil
[ ✐ ] pencil diagonal up
[ ✓ ] check mark
[ ✔ ] heavy check mark
[ ✕ ] multiplication sign X
[ ✖ ] heavy multiplication sign X
[ ✗ ] ballot X
[ ✘ ] heavy ballot X
[ ✝ ] Latin Roman Cross
[ ✞ ] Latin Cross 3D shadow
[ ✟ ] Latin Cross outline
[ ✠ ] Maltese Cross
[ ✡ ] Star of David
[ ❛ ] quotation mark single turned comma
[ ❜ ] quotation mark single comma
[ ❝ ] quotation mark double turned comma
[ ❞ ] quotation mark double comma
Celestial and Astrological Symbols

[ ☽ ] waxing crescent moon
[ ☾ ] waning crescent moon
[ ☿ ] Mercury
[ ♀ ] Venus – Female symbol
[ ♁ ] Earth symbol
[ ♂ ] Mars – Male symbol
[ ♃ ] Jupiter
[ ♄ ] Saturn
[ ♅ ] Uranus
[ ♆ ] Neptune
[ ♇ ] Pluto
[ ♈ ] Aries
[ ♉ ] Taurus
[ ♊ ] Gemini
[ ♋ ] Cancer
[ ♌ ] Leo
[ ♍ ] Virgo
[ ♎ ] Libra
[ ♏ ] Scorpio
[ ♐ ] Sagitarius
[ ♑ ] Capricorn
[ ♒ ] Aquarius
[ ♓ ] Pisces

BlackBerry Messenger Flags:

*AD* *AE* *AF* *AG* *AI* *AL* *AM* *AN* *AO* *AR* *AT* *AU* *AW* *AZ* *BA* *BB* *BD* *BE* *BF* *BG* *BH* *BI* *BJ* *BM* *BN* *BO* *BR* *BS* *BT* *BW* *BY* *BZ* *CA* *CD* *CF* *CG* *CH* *CI* *CK* *CL* *CM* *CN* *CO* *CR* *CS* *CU* *CV* *CY* *CZ* *DE* *DJ* *DK* *DM* *DO* *DZ* *EC* *EE* *EG* *ES* *ET* *FI* *FJ* *FK* *FM* *FO* *FR* *GA* *GD* *GE* *GH* *GI* *GL* *GM* *GN* *GQ* *GR* *GT* *GW* *GY* *HK* *HN* *HR* *HT* *HU* *ID* *IE* *IL* *IN* *IQ* *IR* *IS* *IT* *JM* *JO* *JP* *KE* *KG* *KH* *KI* *KM* *KN* *KP* *KR* *KW* *KY* *KZ* *LA* *LB* *LC* *LI* *LK* *LR* *LS* *LT* *LU* *LV* *LY* *MA* *MC* *MD* *MG* *MK* *ML* *MM* *MN* *MO* *MR* *MS* *MT* *MU* *MV* *MW* *MX* *MY* *MZ* *NA* *NC* *NE* *NG* *NI* *NL* *NO* *NZ* *OM* *PA* *PE* *PF* *PG* *PH* *PK* *PL* *PM* *PR* *PT* *PW* *PY* *QA* *RE* *RO* *RU* *RW* *SA* *SB* *SC* *SD* *SE* *SG* *SI* *SK* *SL* *SM* *SN* *SO* *SR* *ST* *SV* *SY* *SZ* *TC* *TD* *TG* *TH* *TJ* *TL* *TM* *TN* *TO* *TR* *TT* *TW* *TZ* *UA* *UG* *UK* *US* *UY* *UZ* *VC* *VE* *VG* *VN* *VU* *WS* *YE* *ZA* *ZM* *ZW*

List compiled by BerrySolutions and CrackBerry