Greetings members, one of‘s very own members matecurkovic has developed his own theme and would like to share it with the rest of us. He calls the this theme ‘Scrappy Theme 0.1. / Weather Slot’ and it is FREE to download. I have it running on my Bold 9700 and let me tell you, it is smooth. I forgot to ask which devices support the theme, but most of the time devices 8900/9630/9650/9700 running OS 5.0 all share the same theme.
A quick overview on this theme based on my activation as follows: I’m not a big fan of themes and here is why. I use the hell out of my BlackBerry. At times it seems I cannot afford to put up with some of the lagging these themes cause. Well when I installed the Scrappy theme, I was impressed with the speed. The theme is simple, and gives you no lagging or waiting. Effective! The only delay I noticed was when I would open the camera, but even with the stock oem themes, there is still minimal delay upon opening the camera app. The home screen allows space for six apps at the bottom, has both calendar and messages shown on home screen. I have always been a fan of themes in which the calendar and messages are displayed like that on the home screen, it makes it convenient for those who really have tough schedules. The weather slot on the top right is really cool too. The time, signal,battery life, and alarm are all on the left side. On the right hand side, is the day and date with the weather slot beneath it.That pretty much wraps it up here, The UI is slick and doesn’t seem to be a battery eater. Go ahead, give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.
Thanks matecurkovic for proving us with this free theme. For more discussion, hit up our extra mobile friendly forum system at