Free BBM Conncted Screen Capture App – Watermark Free!

Screen Grabber is one of the best screen capture apps for BlackBerry up to date. Watermark & sound free, including BBM Integration, this light app at 83 KB is a must have for your smartphone. Best of all its free and yours to download. Check below for features.


• With a single click take a screen shot of your BlackBerry® screen. Tap. Done.

• Set your Convenience Key to Screen Grabber for quick access.

• Option to take screen grabs at full resolution or reduced file size resolution.

• Option to save screen grabs in picture folder or Screen Grabber folder.

• Email that screen shot to anyone, anywhere, any time. JaredCo makes sharing simple.

• Send your Screen Grabs to your BBM™ contacts (requires BBM™ 6.0).

• Unlike other screen shot apps, Screen Grabber saves the screen shot image in a small size making it easier to email and to save.

• Screen Grabber stores all your screen captures in a new picture file called Screen Grabs. Want to see your contacts list from a month ago? Easy. If you grabbed a screen shot of that important client’s phone number, it’s in the file labeled Screen Grabs, right where we put it for you.

• Want to send a map or directions to your technically-impaired friends? It doesn’t get any easier than click and send with Screen Grabber.

• Organize your BlackBerry® Screen Grabs in a single place – one folder holds it all in an “at-a-glance” format.

• So simple to synch, Screen Grabber does it all for you. Download and you’re good to go.

App icons, maps, tools, contacts, addresses – JaredCo’s Screen Grabber makes it a snap to grab a screen shot, send it or store it for use down the line.

And best of all, Screen Grabber is totally free so it costs you zip. But, like all JaredCo apps, it delivers real functionality that enhances your BlackBerry® experience.

You’ve got nothing to lose and lots of utility to gain. Like all JaredCo apps, we design them, we build them and we support them. Even the FREE ones.

Don’t want to see our free app of the day after your screen grab? Upgrade to the Pro version for $0.99 here:

Download here for free from your BlackBerry