Fightin’ Words – Free Boost and Virgin Mobile Promo

Boost and Virgin Mobile have just launched a promo in which you can get a free version of the popular Fightin’ Words for BlackBerry. Fightin’ Words is  much like the famous Words w Friends in that it allows you to play head to head with other players. Continue reading for features.

The game is in the Scrabble genre and we love this genre of game. Unfortunately Words With Friends for BlackBerry® does not exist and we were unsatisfied with other alternatives. Being a development shop, we decided to fill the void and Fightin’ Words was born.

* Leaderboards posted on Fightin’ Words website
* Play words vertically or horizontally
* Play head to head against other human opponents
* POW tile can be used as any letter or replace another letter
* Play many games at once
* Choose between email or push notifications
* Play against your friend on other Smartphone!
* Chat with those that you are playing

Visit for additional game information, including leaderboards!

LEGAL NOTICE: This game is different from Scrabble and Words With Friends.

Download here