Are you one that follows the latest trend? Want to be a part of Facebook’s latest ‘fad’? Take part in “The Number Game“. According to sources, the viral hit on Facebook reached over 1,000 users in less than 20 hours and is expected to reach 1 million people by Christmas Day. I believe it too. Every time I update my timeline, status updates are filled with numbers and responses to questions. At first I was totally clueless as to what all this jabber really meant but after some research, it all makes sense now. It doesn’t take rocket science for this one, the rules are quit simple.
First: Start by messaging Facebook friends a number, like #two or 138 along with a question.
Second: They’ll then post a note on your wall with that number plus what they really think about you and your question. Afterwards, ask other friends via status or chat to send you a number with a question so the cycle can keep going.
Meet the man who started it all. His name is Preston Millen, a student at Arkansas State University, who said in an e-mail interview that he was inspired by Facebook’s cartoon craze over the weekend.
“Theres no real motivation behind it, but it does bring satisfaction knowing that my skills are at work,” Miller wrote. “I’ve been working online for several years and have been involved in several business ventures.”
What makes this viral game so addicting? The Washington Post posted,
“It has all the makings of a smash-hit trend: It plays off people’s love of finding out secrets about themselves. It has the mystery to make people wonder what they’re missing out on. And requires little effort.”
What are your thoughts on this new trend? Are you in or out? Don’t forget to share!
Source: MobilepcMag