One of the leading providers of Microsoft Exchange Email hosting to small and medium businesses, Exchange My Mail, today announced the extension of its hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express solution for small and medium-sized businesses. The new solution enables Exchange My Mail customers to wirelessly sync their email, calendar and contacts between their BlackBerry smartphones and their desktops, without having to pay for expensive enterprise data plans with their wireless carrier.
“We saved about $15 per month per BlackBerry switching to this new solution, and it works great. We get the same functionality as we did before, and now save about $300 a month on our wireless plan.” — Manny Castineiras, Limtiless Communications.
“We launched Exchange My Mail with the goal of providing small and medium business cost-effective technologies that allow them to compete with larger businesses,” said Sal DiPiazza, Exchange My Mail’s CEO. “Our new hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Express Server offering continues to raise the bar in providing powerful productivity solutions to SMBs. Combined with our hosted Exchange 2010 email offering and our industry-leading service and support that larger providers cannot provide, Exchange My Mail’s new hosted BlackBerry Express service is a no brainer for small and medium-sized businesses.”
Gotta run to class! more via sfgate