Enfin by Ez E Deesignz Can Be the End of Your Search for Your BlackBerry

The word enfin is French for “in conclusion…” and Enfin by EzE Deesignz is a new theme that could be the end of your search for adaptability in themes. Enfin features a wallpaper-friendly screen, a 4 icon dock, a text dock, and an OCD slot. Wow! The end!

Default home screen Enfin by Ez E Deesignz

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Enfin has a lot to offer. Slot 1 is the OCD slot in the upper right hand corner. Turn it on and off with Alt ( and Alt ) . There is a text dock at the bottom of the home screen. It contains 4 items, and they are user customizable. They are slots 2,3,4,and 5 on the apps screen. The next 4 icons on the apps screen are the icon dock above of the text. Here’s what they look like.

Enfin with user wallpaper and no docks
Enfin with user wallpaper and icon dock
Enfin with user wallpaper and text dock

The theme is completely versatile with any combination of OCD slot, text dock and icon dock available. Some of the screen shots above show you one form or the other. You can set your docks to work with your wallpaper. Or if you’re like me, you enjoy the change from icons and like the text ability once in a while. Turn the icon dock on and off with Alt 1/2. The text dock can be turned on and off with Alt 3/4.

Enfin with user wallpaper and text dock, OCD

The clock and notifications are very light. Therefore, you should consider your wallpaper carefully. If you get something too light, those things will disappear. The app screen is light also. and the custom icons white and a cartoon-ish style. Just be carefull when setting the home screen for the maximum visibility.

Enfin highlights
Enfin custom icons

Pick up a theme that can be the end of your search. Pick up Enfin by Ez E Deesignz at our Mobihand store for $1.99
Available for OS5 and OS6

Enfin with all docks and OCD