The latest of Raypho’s themes to take its turn in the rotation on my Blackberry phone is Ciel. This is a theme that I will keep on my phone because it is a classic, understated theme which allows you access to a hidden dock and a weather slot that makes the theme elegant in its display.
Read for more and don’t miss the screen shots!The icons are what first command your attention. They are not the default icons of OS6 or OS6.1. If you want to hide the icon dock, use Alt 1 to hide and Alt 2 to show. The weather slot (or OCD slot) is nestled in with the time and date in the upper right-hand corner. The profiles icon, that I usually consider an unsightly icon to have showing on the home screen, is along the bottom of the screen, looking like another toolbar. Never walk into a meeting thinking you have set your Berry to vibrate, only to have Christina Aguilara singing as soon as you receive a phone call.
The apps screen is a black carbon-looking background, which allows the golds and yellows of the icons to pop against it. Want a Today Agenda? Press z and ESC to release it. Simple, yet functional and elegant; as are all of Raypho’s themes. The beauty of his work is that any wallpaper can be used for your home screen.
While this theme has been out for a little while, it is definitely a classic for wallpaper lovers. The theme is small in size and has no lag. I would recommend this theme (as I do all of Raypho’s themes) to have as one to run to when you’ve tired of cutesy and gimmicky.
Purchase Ciel here at Mobihand for $2.99