BBM Protected was announced in February this year, other than what was known as a more secure BBM, details of what’s to come and how eBBM, otherwise known as BBM Protected, will work and when it will be released has emerged.
CB Forums and Moderator Sith_Apprentice caught eBBM on video, along with a set of pictures of the slides. The first iteration of eBBM will be released in June, available for just BBOS devices and BB 10.2+ activations.
Release Timeframe
- eBBM Suite – BBM Protected – June launch for BBOS devices running BBOS 6+ and Regulated BB10.2+ activations
- Regulated+Balance (and potentially Balance only) activations Early Fall 2014. (September/October)
- Android/iOS BBM Protected – Late Fall/Early Winter (November) launch with BES12.
How eBBM will work
eBBM is designed to add Suite B compliant encryption on top of the existing BBM “scrambling” encryption key (3DES Univesral Key) and so long as the other user/organistion is also using eBBM, you can pretty much bet on a secure and reliable service. Each message will be encrypted with a different random key, so even if the NOC was compromised or even if one of the random keys was compromised, you would only get one message. So, correct me if I’m wrong, I think what this means is, no matter what the situation, if someone was to ever scramble that one random key, they won’t have hacked into the entire conversation, but just that one particular message. Sounds pretty sweet!
Below, you’ll see a video of Jeff Gadway taking the audience through just how seamless eBBM is along with regular BBM
Source: CB