Pretty cool seeing Electronic Arts releasing games for the BlackBerry 10 platform as Dead Space is now available in BlackBerry World. EA quotes the game as “AN ORIGINAL DEAD SPACE STORY FOR BLACKBERRY 10”.
Immerse yourself in events that unleash the Necromorph horde again – and set the stage for the horrifying action of Dead Space 2. Hailed by fans and critics, this stunning vision of the Dead Space franchise is truly a landmark “must-play.”
With two engrossing channels of gameplay, Survival Mode offers as much strategic dismemberment as you can stomach. Hack and shoot your way through 4 maps in both ENDLESS and 5 MINUTES TO KILL modes. Bring in weapons, suits, and ammo from Story Mode, rack up big combos, and earn more credits!
Download Dead Space for BlackBerry 10 via BlackBerry World.