Dress Your BlackBerry Simply with a Simple Clean Theme by Themerzz

OS7 and 7.1 users are so tired of waiting for Theme Builder 7 to make an appearance. In fact, we don’t think it will ever surface. However, you don’t have to settle for a boring old default theme on your hot BlackBerry device anymore. A Simple Clean Theme by Themerzz is an example of a creative theme that adds some pizazz to your home screen.

Default wallpaper and home screen set up of A Simple Clean Theme

In looking a the home screen of this simple theme, you can see the main attraction right away: a large LED style clock in the lower corner with the date above it. I think this simple design feature makes the entire home screen a work of art. In the opposite corner are the notifications and meters. At the top, you have the battery level represented by a single number. Simplicity, but still classy. Take a look at some of these screen shots:

Use wallpaper and BerryWeather on home screen of A Simple Clean Theme
A Simple Clean Theme home screen with user wallpaper

In these sample screen shots, you can see how elegant the plainly clean home screen can be! A dark wallpaper makes the clock and date pop against the  background. In one screen shot, I added BeWeather to the home screen for my own purposes. (BeWeather is sold separately).

The font is not user-selectable, but has been adjusted so it can be clearly read. The icons are clean and are the OS7 icons. The icons are the ones we can identify immediately and are not so unusual so as to be useless. That happens with fancy custom icons sets sometimes. The custom ones look nice but are not always practical.

A sample menu and app screen of A Simple Clean Theme

There is a gradient color change when you focus on a menu item and click. It has fresh wallpaper for the media player and black and white icons for media player items. The theme is overall very clean and simple but still very functional and familiar. I can also speak to the customer service aspect of Themerzz. If you have any questions or concerns, they are answered immediately by the developer.

Home screen of A Simple Clean Theme

This theme is wallpaper friendly and has all white signal meters and notifications. A Simple Clean Theme  is a custom theme that adds a bit of style to your home screen while retaining all the familiar aspects of an OS7 default theme. It is available at Mybbota here for $1.99. A Simple Clean Theme is only available for the 9900/9300.

User wallpaper with BeWeather on home screen