I love free apps for my BlackBerry, who doesn’t? While searching the App World I came across this classic game, Dots. The goal of Dots is to complete a box by “drawing” lines between dots. It’s a round robin style game, drawing one line per turn, but if you complete a box you get to play again. Once all the boxes have been made, the game is over and the player with the most boxes wins! When I was in school we would play this game on paper, with different colored pens, passing it around like notes in class. Now, you can “go green” and play it on your BlackBerry.
Dots for BlackBerry automatically keeps track of your boxes, colors the lines and boxes for you, and switches players for you. Dots has an “undo” feature, which some may complain, saying that “undo is against the rules”, but when you play electronically it is easier to make a mistake than when drawing a line between two dots on paper.
The Dots app is only about 130KB, and is easy to play. You can play against the computer, or another person (you have to pass the phone between each other). The app is ad supported, but the ads are not nearly as intrusive as some of the others I’ve seen.
Download now from App World.