I noticed that whenever there is new software available for download, people always ask for links to such applications instead of using resources they already have. All of our BlackBerrys can access RIM’s mobile site with ease. Just type in www.blackberry.com on your Berry and you have already finished about 1/3 of the journey. RIM offers a wide range of native applications from Instant Messaging to Social Networking and even third party application partners for easy access, such as Viigo. The best part, you can easily get to an *OTA(over the air) download website by typing in the blackberry website backslash the application you want. For example: www.blackberry.com/messenger. This is the quickest way to get any updated native application.
Someone mentioned to me that they would rather get their native apps from the App World so that they may receive a push notification that there is a new download available. Now, I agree with this person but, if you’re like me, you’ll want to get the update as soon as it hits the scene. So, the benefit to these OTA downloads is that they’re updated faster than App World content. While a lot of us have BBM, some people don’t have it because App World does not have the update available yet. Whenever you want to know if there is an update to a native app that you have, just head to your browser, type in the website and backslash it with whatever app you need, i.e. /twitter or /facebook. I guarantee, if there’s an update, the site will have it first. Remember, not all apps have a specific link but if it is a recently designed application and it has principles unlike others, then, it should be separated with it’s on page.
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Here are common links:
*IM Clients
Note* The IM Client download page is country specific so you’ll need to access it from the direct mobile website: the link above is for the US.
We hope you enjoyed this quick little lesson, hopefully you’ll stay ahead of your friends with all the latest and greatest App updates! Let us know if you find anything new!