View and compose your BBM chat messages with Colors, Smileys and formatted web Links! The app presents a ‘rich’ view of your BBM with image background, font color, different icons and font style for incoming and outgoing BBM and shows Emoticons as well. The Composer features a beautiful interface with options to quickly send BBM texts in form of reusable BBM templates.
This BBM viewer has five themes:
1) Hello kitty Theme
2) Black Beauty Theme
3) Green House Theme
4) Doodle Theme
5) Play boy ThemeYou can even set the photo of your loved ones as the BBM background.
*View BBM with five sexy themes
*Change the BBM background with the photo of your loved ones.
*Change the colors for incoming and outgoing BBM bubble.
*BBM quickly using Built in templates. ( you can add your custom templates)
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You can find them in BlackBerry AppWorld by searching on vendor name: “Akdas “.
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