This blog post is not to promote Live Profile, rather bring to the surface what an app like Live Profile means to us. Live Profile is a cross platform, instant messenger that allows BlackBerry, Android, and iPhone users to seamlessly connect to one another via a PIN number.
Last November KIK, a similar cross chat platfform app which was pulled off the market, blew passed their 1,000,000 download mark at their initial launch. Now, half a year later, another cross platform chat app has been released, Live Profile, which just recently reported that they passed their 1 million mile mark.
What do these numbers mean to us? Well its simple. This proves that there is a strong demand for device manufacturers to provide instant real time messaging clients. We are not in the early millennium anymore, SMS is only goes so far.
With With cross platform chat apps, you get real time IM services allowing you to see messages instantly. It resembles BBM in several ways. Besides being able to view immediate messages, you can also see when the other person is typing a message, just like on BlackBerry Messenger. Now you can have the ability to bring you conversation to life with users who use other smartphones other than a BlackBerry such as Android and Apple devices. The newest cross platform chat client, Live Profile identifies each individual message as either “sent,” (S) “delivered” (D) or “read,” (R) notifying you in real time when the user receives and reads it on their device. As of now, the only other service that does this is BBM.
There have been talks about RIM implementing their native BBM onto other platforms. Whether it’s a good or bad business move by RIM, these third party chat apps prove to us that if so, BBM on other platforms will be a hit.