Smarter Apps brings to you the all new “Who’s Around” BBM integrated app. The app duplicates the BBM experience but uses the BBM Social APIs on top of location to make BBM location aware. This is just like what Wikitude does for Augmented Reality but instead of needing OS 7 and Augmented Reality, you get a similar experience on a wide range of devices.- Via BlackBerry Cool
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An APP with different ways to use it:
Hooking up: anyone who has the app at a nightclub will be able to see each other and begin to chat. If you enjoy the chat, you can add each other to BBM.
Networking: The app allows you to network at a conference over BBM and add them to your permanent contact list.
LocalMind or Quora situations: Is someone at a bar and you want to know the vibe? Have they just seen a movie you’re interested in? You could use this app to ask them questions over BBM.
Marketing: If you have a product or service you would like to advertise, you could use this app to search for preferences and message people who may be interested in your company.
Source: BlackBerry Cool