Cheshire BlackBerry Theme by Vison Mobility Will Leave You Grinning


The Cheshire cat had a couple of things going for him that we could all benefit from: his ever-present grin and his ability to adapt to any situation. Vision Mobility has created a BlackBerry theme named Cheshire that does the same. And after you have transformed your screen, you will be grinning like the famous feline.

Default home screen of Cheshire

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The default home screen that way you see it there is very deceiving. Just like that famous ear-to-ear grin of the cat, it is hiding some important details. Start at the top, the time and date appear in the corner permanently. The OCD text can be hidden with Alt ?/!. Across from that is the OCD slot itself, usually reserved for the weather icon du jour. As you scroll across the top banner, you will see a cog/wheel icon appear out of the dark like the grin of the Cheshire cat appearing out of the darkness in Wonderland.

The settings icon of Cheshire that appears as you scroll over it

What you didn’t see in the default screen shot were the banners top and bottom and some of the other nifty things Cheshire can do. So click the cog and you are greeted with all these capabilities:

Cheshire settings panel

So from the panel shot above, you can see that changes can be made in the following ways: choose a color for your banners, there are many possibilities as shown above; choose a pattern (like our friend the cat!), such as polka dots, stripes and honeycombs; and then choose an intensity or transparency. And if you don’t want any of these things, turn them off.

Cheshire home screen with user selected wallpaper and banners on
Cheshire with user selcted wallpaper and black text and blue smooth banners

Beyond these changes, there are others still. At the bottom of the settings panel, you can toggle the dock off and on; toggle the home screen text from white to black; toggle the OCD slot off and on; and a WiFi toggle that launches Manage Connections and actually animates to on and off when you turn your WiFi on or off. Hit ESC to close the settings.

Cheshire with user selected wallpaper with banners transparent and signal meters off and text changed to black

Other items to mention: the focus icon is a crystal see-through icon that matches everything and makes your wallpaper as colorful as the Cheshire cat himself. Systems fonts are user controlled so no squinting at tiny print. Notice all the room at the bottom for notifications! For those of you with five and six icons to display, you are in luck.

Cheshire with user selected wallpaper and green cross-hatched banners and OCD text turned off

With so many possibilities, you can’t go wrong with Cheshire. Buy it here at our BBE Mobihand store for $5.99. It is so worth the price, and after you purchase it, you will grinning from ear-to-ear just like someone we know and love! Show everyone that famous grin! Be happy about your BlackBerry and load up Cheshire. You will be ready for ANY situation!

Cheshire with user wallpaper