Check out Magic Icon from Toysoft Development – Take control of your home screen icons


How many of you have wanted to re-arrange the app icons on your BlackBerry 10 device home screen but couldn’t? Maybe you just wanted four icons at the bottom or have them going down the middle of the screen. Well, the wait to do that is over because the developer from Toysoft Development has just released an app called Magic Icon. This app will place invisible icons onto the home screen which then allows you to move the regular icons in the any order you want.


Here are some of the features of Magic Icon:

  • Magic Icon allows you to create invisible icons on the home screen to make the home screen look cool.
  • Option to leave the icon name invisible or you can name it. The icon will always be invisible.
  • Create up to 30 invisible icons with click of a button. If you want more than 30 icons then just create more.
  • Simply rearrange the invisible icons to make the home screen look sexy and cool.

Please note: You will need to be on OS 10.3 and above to use Magic Icon. That is when that ugly shadow behind the icons disappeared. The 10.2 OS’s look weird with those shadows in place, so that’s the reason the developer marked the app to have a higher OS.



This app is perfect for those of you that like to show off your wallpaper collections, or just want the freedom of placing the app icons where you want. We now have the ability to have some beautiful home screens by just moving the icons where we want. To check out Magic Icon just head on over to BlackBerry World or just tap here, it’s only $0.99.