August 1st marks BBM’s 10th birthday and with the decade mark of the best messaging application ever BlackBerry has announced a new, free sticker pack that is now available via the BBM Shop.
In 2015 we’ve already had three major releases, and we’re not slowing down. I’ll have more to share soon about the next update to BBM, but in the meantime, let’s celebrate 10 years of keeping in touch, 10 years of making plans, 10 years of getting together, and 10 years of sharing moments with friends.
To celebrate, starting today through August 1 2015 (the official 10 year anniversary of BBM), we will be releasing a brand new “Happy Birthday BBM” sticker pack in the BBM Store. As our thanks to you, this sticker pack will be available for free for one day only. Make sure to visit the BBM store from your phone and grab the sticker pack, because after August 1, it will go back to its regular price.
Open of your BBM application head on over to the BBM shop and celebrate BBM’s 10th birthday!