Caro game with BBM Integration

Caro game with BBM Integration

BBMCaro for BlackBerry smartphones is a BBM interaction game that lets you challenge your BBM friends and go head-to-head.

First install the app from OTA link below, it required BBM 6.0 and OS 5++.

So please download and install BBM 6(if u need to) first at:


While installing, it will check and verify BBM, BlackBerryID client. If BlackBerryID is old, it will auto update. When everything is done. You can start a game, wait for it connect to BBM and you can see the Menu – Invite friends to Download.

Only friends on your BBM list which has installed BBMCaro can play with you. If they haven’t had BBMCaro yet, just use BBMCaro to invite them to download.

When there is someone on your BBM List has installed BBMCaro, from BBMCaro Menu, choose Invite friend to play, you will see list of friends which you can invite to play.

5 in arrow will win, press C for chat.