That’s right. BlackBerry has done something in which they’re not well known for: Marketing. In what seems to be the start of a marketing campaign, BlackBerry has a full page ad on the Globe and Mail in Canada and it’s quite a beauty. Yes, “Canadians love a comeback”, declares BlackBerry, showing off the Canadian colours as-well as showing off a glimpse of the upcoming BlackBerry Passport.This is not exactly the kind of message BlackBerry gave last year when the BlackBerry 10 launched. In a way, they did, but they told people to “keep moving” and that didn’t really iterate that the company was back with a brand new operating system along with new devices. This, however, is more to the point and it’s awesome. BlackBerry’s message on the ad is clear, direct and plays on BlackBerry’s strength: Security and Enterprise.
At BlackBerry, we’re proud of our Canadian heritage. It’s what drives us to continuously push security and productivity boundaries, allowing those with unstoppable energy to work smarter, collaborate better and accomplish more. The soon-to-be-released BlackBerry Passport is further proof of our commitment to serious mobility for serious business.
I would bet on seeing more of these types of adverts but whether we see them widespread across different mediums of advertisement, we don’t know. What we do know is, BlackBerry is back, it isn’t going anywhere, the team is different and John Chen knows how to play the game.
The BlackBerry Passport is due to launch on Sept 24th. Be sure to keep it locked to BlackBerry Empire as we give you the latest BlackBerry news.
Source: CrackBerry