CanadaGSM Offers Pre Orders on Unlocked BlackBerry Z10

Looks like CanadaGSM is now taking pre orders for a unlocked BlackBerry Z10. They have listed a price of $799 and it’s pretty much at the price points we have heard so far. This appears to be the first site that has a actual price to pre order. As their site states all orders are in Canadian dollars.Here’s the description of the BlackBerry Z10 from their website.

BlackBerry Z10 is said to be the flagship for RIM turnaround strategy, entering the world of modern specs like an HD screen and fast multicore processors. There are also 2 GB of RAM, 16 GB of internal memory plus a hot-swappble microSD slot, and an 8 MP rear camera. The real cherry on the top should be RIM’s new BB10 mobile operating system, with nifty interface ideas, and the added value of BlackBerry’s renowned security of communication.

For additional info or to pre order head over to the CanadaGSM site or just click Here. The site does say expected release is January 30, 2013.