Bring Sexy to Your Phone With WordClock for BlackBerry

Wordclock by Flo Group , has a very minimalistic and sophisticated look that can transform a BlackBerry into a very sleek timepiece, especially when docked on a cradle. Wordclock has a very unique way of displaying the time, by highlighting text phrases within a static alphabet grid, with options (in the paid version) to change the colour of the theme.

The free version only has the black colour theme, whereas the paid version adds on the following features:

  • 6 Colour Themes Black, Chocolate, Indigo, Maroon, Olive, Oxford and Teal
  • Automatic running on charging the phone, via cable or dock
  • Option to keep the backlight on
  • Alarm with snooze function
  • Option to display the date
  • Option to display the alarm.

The app runs smoothly on my Torch 9800, and takes up very little space at only 166.6 KB running quietly, using very little memory while displayed.  Moving from portrait to landscape mode incurs no lag, and sitting

on my Torch dock, the app looks great, and the letters are large enough to read, allowing the device to look classy and sexy.

Swiping either the touchscreen or the trackpad, enables the colours to change, bringing even more class to the app. (Paid version only)

WordClock supports all BlackBerry phones running OS5 and above, except for the Pearl and Flip Models.







Users on OS 7.1, some phones with Applications Resource
Manager turned on might automatically shut down WordClock.
If that happens, simply set it to not monitor WordClock.

The app website is
Link to Appworld for free version 
Link to Appworld for paid version for 1.99