MLH Software has just released a beta to the already popular BlackBerry phone and desktop app, Blurts, which allows users to SMS text, answer calls, and take a screenshot all via Bluetooth connected to a PC. With this limited beta release come BlackBerry Messenger integration, allowing users to see incoming BBM messages, and a brand new User Interface, all on a PC desktop.
There is no limit on downloading the beta, but MLH software will not be giving out free Pro Activation codes to everyone. (if users already have Blurts Pro, then the current activate code will work.) If users download Blurts Pro from App world, they are able to unlock the BBM functions of the beta.
Some beta codes will be available, if people email and tell MLH software why they would make a good beta tester.
NOTE: You must upgrade both the BlackBerry software and desktop software.Blurts version 3.0 requires BlackBerry OS version 6.0
If you download the beta you are agreeing to provide feedback via the forum or email. Click here to download beta software for PC Email MLH software to request a Pro Activation Code for BlackBerry Download Blurts Pro for $5.99 from BlackBerry App World
Check Out the BlackBerry Empire Review on Blurts Pro 2.0